Oh handy and super useful Dremel Stylus,
My brother bought you.
For me.
When you first arrived on the scene.
You served me well for 10 years. Then you quit.
I had a hard time finding you again.
No more of you were being made, please explain!
I should have bought many of you back then.
Alas. I did not.
Your replacement got me through these last 6 years
without trouble or tears.
But today. You died.
What am I to do?!
You are impossible to get.
You weren't a normal tool.
And I'm not a normal artist.
We went together like like tarnish on silver.
Now I have to use my traditional rotary tool.
Like all the other jewelers do.
Nothing else works like you.
I shall miss you dear friend.
My Dremel Stylus.