Ever wonder what the stress-dreams of a crown-maker look like? Let me tell you:
I was at a customer's wedding. She had waiting until just a week before the wedding to order. I was there in person, even though I didn't really know her. It. was a super-simple crown set. Fabric covered.
31 minutes before the the wedding ceremony was to start, her family started asking, "How in the world are we going to separate the crowns?!". I looked at them not understanding the question because, " In the Antiochian Orthodox church, the crowns stay connected. not just with the ribbon, but the circular crown stays a circle. We do not undo the circle." The bride's family came back with, "Well, we do! and the fabric is covering the connection point, we need to be able to undo the circle!."
And then there were questions of how they were going to reattaching a great big bow to the crowns. And I couldn't understand the confusion, because it was obvious how to tie it on.
The bride was getting ready upset and started pulling and cutting the fabric off the crown frame. I was getting upset because this has been my job for the past 17 years, and I felt like I knew what I was doing. I had never had this happen before.
Then someone comes in and yells that the priest is waiting for everyone, so they all rush off to the church with tattered crowns. Moments later the bride comes storming back in SCREAMING because they were late, and the priest wouldn't perform the ceremony. Was going to do the Ceremony the next day, but the Groom didn't want that. So now they had to wait until Nov 12 to get married. All because of the crowns.
All I can say is that I'm glad it's Friday!